Henrik Ibsen – en folkefiende?

"‘I have read or rather spelled out a review in the Fortnightly Review by Mr. James Joyce which is very benevolent and for which I should greatly like to thank the author if only I had sufficient knowledge of the language.’ (My own knowledge of your language is not, as you see, great but I trust you will be able to decipher my meaning) - I can hardly tell you how moved I was by your message. I am a young, a very young man, and perhaps the telling of such tricks of the nerves will make you smile. But I am sure if you go back along your own life to the time when you were an undergraduate at the University as I am, and if you think what it would have meant to you to have earned a word from one who held so high a place in your esteem as you hold in mine, you will understand my feeling." Kilde: Openculture.com

Jeg plukket ut et lite sitat fra James Joyce ovenfor, da han skrev og takket Ibsen for hans reaksjon på et essay Joyce hadde skrevet til en skoleavis da han enda var i tenårene. Det starter med Ibsens egne ord, hvor han takker James Joyce for gode ord (på engelsk, som var et språk Ibsen […]